Setting Up A Company In Singapore

Your Business Journey Start from here

We provide guidance and services to set up a right type of company and business for you. Avoid mistakes right at the beginning and scale your business at ease.

Setting Up a Company in Singapore

Singapore is an ideal location for a Starting A Small Business company as well as positioning your headquarters for global business here. Singapore is known as the most competitive Asian Country with excellent infrastructure, stable political government, strong currency, tax incentives and our strategic location that make us the world’s easiest place to do business. The government welcome overseas companies to open company in Singapore or relocate their headquarters here Setting up a Company in Singapore can be quiet cumbersome and time consuming in the application process? Whether you are a young entrepreneur who has decided to have a new startup in Starting A Small Business in Singapore or a foreign corporation looking to site their headquarters or subsidiary in Singapore, we are the expert in providing you a full range of Solution that suits every individual and business needs. 

Don’t Settle For Less

Our Services

If you are not a local professional accountant, we strongly encourage the business owners to engage Consulting Firms in Singapore to assist you. There are Singapore Law and Company Acts governing on the different types of Singapore company setup and the legal responsibilities of directors and company secretary. Maximise your time to focus on your strength to grow the business and leave the details to us.

Company Formation

We are committed to providing quality services at an affordable price to SMEs, Local and Foreign Individual and company to register a company in Singapore.

Financial Consulting

Let your great idea take off on the right path. We will assist you to set up your business in a most efficient and effective ways. You will get the latest update on government assistance and grants for your business needs.

Nominee Director

A Company must have at least one resident director in Singapore. We can provide nominee director for the foreign individual or business at a reasonable fee.

Before you start registering a company in Singapore, you need to decide the type of business and the information required by Acra Singapore.

What Do You Need to Prepare?

Company registration in Singapore



Types of Companies

Understand the general requirements and liabilities limit on the different type of Business structure. Decide the type of Business Structure you want to register

  • Sole Proprietorship
  • Partnership -General Partnership, Limited Partnership, Limited Liability Partnership
  • Private  Company
  • Exempt Private Company

Company Name

Choose a company that is unique and meaningful for your brand building and corporate image.

Company Director

For a company, you need to decide how many directors do you want to have in the Company. A company must have at least one director who is a Singapore Citizen or a Singapore Permanent Resident who his usual place of Residence is in Singapore.

Share Capital

For a Private Limited Company, you need to decide how many shareholders and their respective share Value. The percentage of shareholding represents the controlling power in the company.

Registered Office Address

The Registered Office Address can be different from your business address. Most of the accounting firms in Singapore that provide company incorporation services will offer their address to their clients for use as registered office address if they do not have an office in Singapore.


The Best Business Decision

It is no longer impossible to start a business without a huge capital outlay and a full team of human resources. You can focus on business growth with your ideas and innovations or awesome product. There are many outsourcing services available in Singapore and you only engage those services you need at a fraction of the full cost. This is more efficient and more effectively and allow the flexibility to scale your business.

All-in-One Package

Limited Company Formation Package – New Startup

Our company incorporation fees start at $500. Contact us for a more detailed quotation. We offer a comprehensive all in one package to let you kick-start the business immediately without any hassle on the details.


Astar Business Pte Ltd

71 Bukit Batok Crescent

#06-03 Prestige Centre

Singapore 658071

+65 8869 5136